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Are you ready for a massive magnetic storm?  Yes kindly brace youreslf as the Russian Academy of Sciences has said that the storm will hit the Earth on March 18 and will bring about some changes to the Planet’s geomagnetic atmosphere. This magnetic storm will be the third
one to hit the Earth since 2018.

According to Russian scientists claim, as reported by, that March 18 magnetic storm may cause headaches, dizziness and sleep disturbances for some people across the globe.

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What is Magnetic storm?

Magnetic storm is also known as solar storm is a temporary disturbance caused by a solar wind shock wave of the Earth’s magnetosphere.

What will it affect?

It generally affects telecommunication systems-upsetting radio communications, causing radar blackouts and disrupting radio navigation system.

It will also affect humans and other living organisms by changing blood flow, blood pressure, and boosting adrenalin, according to

What else can it do?

European Union’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) said powerful solar storms have the capabilities to negatively impact crucial navigation and control systems across the continent’s railway network.

“Railway networks could be affected in case of an extreme space weather event due to the direct impact on system components, such as track circuits or electronics, or indirectly via dependencies on power, communications, and progressively on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for timing and positioning,” ScienceAlert reported, quoting JRC.
